Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shallow Perception: The Public Eye

Societal standards are quite controlling. People are spoon fed by what normal, acceptable, and popular should be like. Everyday and everywhere, people are caught in a contagion of shallow perception. 

One against others. Keeping an open eye.
Photo credit
In magazines, TV, and other sorts of media, beauty is artificial. Many women are made to believe that to be beautiful, you need to comply with what society accepts. Instead of women empowerment and positive encouragement, they deteriorate with the rest of society, low self-esteem, discontented, and some, with eating disorders on the side. 

Look at the models and celebrities, they seem too perfect. People often disregard the truth that it is the celebrity's job to look desirable and to be envied by. The same with media, it encourages people to buy products that will make people think it's the only way for them to look and feel good. 

How many commercials do you see that portray women as sex objects and physically perfect? Most women are lost on how to treat themselves. They feel the need to be like or almost close to the women they see on TV.

If a woman chases her dream to be beautiful, by means of surgery or lifestyle change, she is criticized either way. People bash whom they think are part of a "minority" and envy people who are on top. Either way, people still bash them altogether. And either way, women are left confused and unhappy of who they are.

People often forget that everything is temporary. Beauty and riches will eventually fade or disappear. But happiness and values are important. It brings contentment and a good life.

Most people go with what society dictates. A lot of people are usually afraid of being a nonconformist because they might end up unacceptable and deviant in the eyes of others. A friend once asked me, "is it right to believe what the majority says?", and I answered no.

You do have the choice to follow the lead of the majority or base your decisions on what you think is right.  Why not try to verify facts and seek the truth. It's never wrong to keep an open mind. 

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